Here is a roundup of some gifts I am gifting or have gifted that have been big hits. I keep a folder with a file for each year and what I am giving each person on my list. It helps since i wrap all year long and often forget what I bought them.
All of the teachers are getting what I gave family members last year- fleece blankets with machine embroidered names on them. I bought the blankets on clearance or at thrift stores or yardsales and found a lady through craigslist who does machine embroidery.
Last year we got the Eyeclops. It hooks to the tv and can be really gross! I got mine from ebay but on the amazon link there are some photos of what it looks like on the tv screen: here.

This clock is one of my go to gifts. I actually found a better price on Amazon than in my local Bed Bath and Beyond store with a coupon! That was a shocker. Here.

This year the gadget of choice is this. It is handy and comes flat packed (hubby put it together as I am inept at stuff like that). I was worried it would be wide and scratch my ankle as I walked by it but it is not at all.
I found them for 5$ for a 2 pack through amazon. Even with the shipping, it was cheaper than what I had been paying on ebay.
I was looking on Etsy for those jars with LED lights that look like lightening bugs but then I found this. It is really lightweight (the 2 yr old kept walking off with it) but is cute and kinda looks real or faux real. It is very bright but does not come with batteries (screw on batt cover- good thing!).

These are awesome and perfect for teachers- they clip to your keys, camera case, etc. I buy them here on etsy. Handmade, 5$, you get to pick the fabric. I always opt for a dark inner band (so it does not look grubby after awhile) and let the seller, Lara, pick the fabrics. I like that there are masculine fabrics, too. And she makes pet collars, too. How cute!

I am also giving out these cool chalk markers. They work on car windows, dry erase boards,mirrors, etc. I have been buying them here on ebay in various colors for about 4$ each (free shipping and speedy, too!). I don’t even wrap these. I wrote on the cap in fine sharpie “to: From :” and send them to the teachers via the kids backpack.
I do this thing where I have this giant basket and all year I put stuff in it from yardsales or clearance or little stocking stuffer size things. Then I take this basket to the school at xmas and teacher appreciation week. The teachers (and office staff!) love pawing through it to pick things out.
And if you are looking for last minute gifts- don’t overlook craigslist. No shipping fees!
Lara is playing elf and offering 2 ready made and oh so super dooper cute wristlets to one of you lucky bugs – one to keep and one to give away! Leave a comment with a good gift idea (from this year or that you have done recently). Contest closes midnight the 18th and Randomizer will pick a winner.